December 19 was the day! We went in to get Bug's
upper endoscopy and
colonoscopy at
Children's Hospital.
The day before was no fun to say the least. She was unable to do anything other than eat and drink "clear" liquids. She also had to drink 64 oz of Gatorade with 1 bottle of Miralax mixed in. We did our best to make it fun. We ate lots of popsicles, made snow cones out of Gatorade ice cubes, and tried jello (she didn't like it) along with just drinking Gatorade. She was a trooper and did a really good job with not complaining too much about being hungry and sticking to no purple and no red popsicles.
Our procedure was scheduled for 12 noon and we were supposed to be there by 10am. We got there around 9:30am as the roads were a little iffy, and we wanted to make sure that we were safe. When we got there and while we waited we got to meet Santa! She even got a present, a baby doll, which she was very excited about.
Holding the Soldier's Hand |
We got to meet Santa! |
Once we got called back at 10am we got to wait and watch a movie. She chose Home Alone, one of her favorites. After we watched some of that she found the play room with dad and got to bring some Hot Wheels back to the room to play with. Children's does a great job of coming and explaining everything that will happen. So we got to during this time talk to not only our GI doctor, but also to a Child Life Specialist (they explain everything to the child so they won't be scared and show them pictures of what the room will look like etc.) as well as we talked to the anesthesiologist.
We found the playroom and some cars |
Watching Home Alone while we wait |
Right on schedule at 12 noon they wheeled her back and as she left she was giving everyone princess waves, so I felt confident that she was in good spirits and not scared. They told us that it would be about 45 minutes for the procedure, after 2 hours Dr. T came to talk to us. At that point I knew something had gone wrong, as it had taken too long, but not so wrong that they felt they need to come get us early. As I thought the procedure was finished, but they had some complications. The endoscopy was uneventful, but the colonoscopy was not. While she was doing the scope she said it felt as if someone was tugging on the camera. When she pulled the scope out, blood came with it. To be safe they had the GI surgeon come and take a look. What had happened was a hemangioma had formed (like a blood blister). She also had taken out a large clump of polyps that was approximately 2 inches around and had to get close to the intestine to remove it, which had some potential for perforation. There was also about 20 other polyps in there that we will keep an eye on. All of this together meant that they wanted us to stay the night to keep an eye on things so that if something should go wrong we would be in the right spot.
Bobo & Titi sent us balloons! |
In our room resting after our procedure |
Once we were back in our room she got to eat after about an hour and watch movies. We rested for a while, at some point she needed to use the restroom, so I picked her up to head that direction. When we did that I felt liquid, at first I thought she had to go so bad that she couldn't hold it, but it turned out to be blood. Luckily the nurse as well as the nurse practitioner was there at that moment, so they reassured us that it was alright. This continued for a couple hours before the bleeding finally seemed to stop. All said and done she lost about 5-6 oz of blood, but the pediatrician on staff said that it was the amount they would expect to bleed out of the hemangioma, so as long as it stayed stopped, then they were not too worried about it. He had however gotten all the appropriate doctors up to speed just in case. Due to the bleeding they did put her back on no food and gave her and IV to keep her hydrated. So she was very hungry, but all in all we were able to distract her with movies. We did get up to go for a walk, although she was pretty unsteady on her feet, so it didn't last very long.
Out for a walk (it didn't last long) |
After a "good" nights sleep (or at least some sleep) we were up and had some color in her cheeks which was a good thing. Since the bleeding had stopped, she finally got to eat and she was very excited about that. Once we finally got the all clear to go home, we waited for awhile, and watched yet another movie. We got home in the late afternoon and spent the rest of the day resting.
Finally getting to eat! She was HUNGRY! |
Even Cupcake was glad to see her home! |
Going Home! |
Within a couple of days we were back to normal and hopefully we will remain so for awhile! The biopsy results from the polyps removed came back as normal, so that is good. We will have a follow up appointment in January to talk about next steps with Dr. T. Until then we continue on, like we always do!